Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fighter Diary #3

I competed in the NAGA Tournament at the Arnold Classic this past weekend. I did the no-gi division. I have never trained in BJJ nor do I own a gi so that was my only option.

I decided that I will have more money and no classes this summer so I am going to take BJJ then. I am hoping to have my Blue Belt within a year. I work hard so I think I can do it.

I faired well for my first tournament and since I don't train BJJ. I won my first match. Did well in my second. I faced the girl who took first in no-gi and second in gi. We were even on points until I slipped out the back door and left my arm behind.

She arm bard me with 10 seconds left to go. I freaked and tapped way too quickly but it was a learning experience,

In my third match I was going for third place. I lost by 1 point. she had the submission attempt from the air. She was probably a foot taller than me and just kept guillotining me. She could not take me down with the choke but got the point for the standing attempt.

All in all I had a blast. I saw a few UFC guys and chatted with Carter. That was really cool!

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